Conference Program

Last edit: 10 Apr. @ 16:44


UPV Wifi Network eduroam. If you come from an institution other than the UPV, you can use your institution's credentials to connect to the eduroam international Wi-Fi and have Internet access.

UPV Wifi Network UPV-PUBLIC. Upon connecting to this network, the user is automatically redirected to a portal, where a mobile number is requested to receive an SMS with the password, which will be valid for five days.


Universitat Politècnica de València
School of Architecture (2-D building)
Camí de Vera s/n - 46022 Valencia (Spain)


Thursday, April 11: Room A - Sala de Proyecciones
Opening lecture: Microsoft Teams link

Friday, April 12: Room C - Sala de videoconferencias
Presentations session: Microsoft Teams link

Saturday, April 13: Room C - Sala de videoconferencias
Presentations sessions: Microsoft Teams link

Saturday, April 13: Room A - Sala de Proyecciones
Closing session: Microsoft Teams link


Friday, April 12: Room A - Sala de Proyecciones
Workshop: Microsoft Teams link


Coffee/tea breaks will be available at Room C 'Sala de Videoconferencias' entrance.

For the lunch break on Friday, we suggest these options on campus:
- La Tarongeria at the university agora (fresh orange juice + salads)
- Cafeteria Tony's at the university agora (sandwiches and set meal)
- Cafeteria Ágora, close to the Architecture School (sandwiches)

Other cafeterias and restaurants are available at the Galileo Residence (5' walk).